Lingayas Institute Of Management and Technology

ECE(Programs Offered)

Computer Science Engineering



To be a self-accomplished center in exploring the various fields of electronics and communication engineering with the latest developments and advancements.


  • Ensure effective teaching–learning process to provide in-depth knowledge of principles and its applications pertaining to electronics and communication engineering and interdisciplinary areas.
  • Provide learning ambience to the graduates to explore and learn current trending developments.
  • Impart value aided education and shape the students with good management and leadership qualities for the betterment of the institute, society and nation as well.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Apply the methods learned to pursue research, or have a successful career in the fields of academic or industries related to electronics and communication engineering
  •  Utilize the foundational concepts and also advanced techniques, tools, etc. to enable them to develop solutions or systems of variable complexity
  •  Analyze the existing literature on a specific area and utilize innovative research oriented methodologies to solve the identified problems with ethical approach

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Implant the skills and apply the concepts of electronics, signal processing, communication, control systems, very large-scale integration (VLSI), AI/ML etc., to design and develop application oriented systems.
  •  Develop technical competency skills in the domain of electronics and communication using latest hardware and software tools, along with analytical and managerial skills either independently or as a team
  • Develop adaptability to changing work atmosphere with acquaintance of social and environmental awareness along with ethical responsibilities to excel a successful career in real-world applications by keeping abreast of the technological changes