ID (Instruction Division) It handles all academic activates of the institution, it also directs depts to release courses offered for particular semester
1st year . theory lab
2nd year . theory lab
3rd year . theory lab
4th year . theory lab
Assists HODs for obtaining expression of interest from faculty regarding preference of courses
Students’ opinion
Departmental meeting for final allocation of courses
Load on each faculty
Handouts and vetting of handouts
CO clearance for delivery
Custodian of weekly, mid semester and semester end EODs consolidation
Weekly audits
Weekly audit forward to principal for action
Receiving audit compliance report in trailing mails from department
Approving agenda for weekly departmental meeting
(a)Minutes of departmental meeting
(b)Lecture notes status
mid semester review
end of semester review
Recommending outstanding faculty
Identifying academic requirement
Course files checking and CO-PO attainment analysis for IQAC
Reporting to principal & IQAC ACB (Academic Counseling Board)
Identifying slow learners by gathering academic performance of all students from HODs and Exam Cell